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. Hai, I'm Siti Nur Yayan. You can call me Myss Aness. On my way to TwoZero. UTM student. Anything else, you can ask maybe. Wee~~ Around in my blog? Don't forget to give footsteps okey ;)

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Psychology Should Strong
15 Jul 2016 | 0 Possible[s]
Asslmualaikum Warahmatullah
in the name of Allah most gracious :)

Sakit hati? Lifeless? Stupid? Sape jek tak rasa. It my turn to feel it in teenager phase. Ujian demi ujian dpat. Have to brave for through it either being alone or with others. If you strong, menang dlm tgn. Kalau tak kuat, it take a long times, dgn diri sendiri and surrounding. For surrounding,m aybe you can act, but for yourself, you can’t lie. If you can lie, believe it you’re actually fight in the middle of a war of ego.

Ye sakit hati. When you put trust on someone, but that someone betray yourself. Then, the mind always asked, ‘What I have done to you until I get punish likes this?’, ‘Have I do something wrong in your eyes?’,  ‘How could you do this to me?.  The questions that never get its answer. Tak marah, just badly sad and speechless until your heart really want cry, but yourself say you can’t, because of the surrounding situation. Then, you hold it with sleep. Sleep and sleep for a long times. Once open the eyes, a needle already in your hands, wet towel on the forehead and mom is sleeping beside at a chair. Mind whisper ‘Am I troubling you, mom?’.  And, heart never stop ask to cry. Mom wakes up and repeatly say ‘Are you okay?’ For the sake of mom, the mouth just answer ‘I’m okay, don’t worry’ and a fake smile engraved on the lips. There was no intention to lie, but just doesn’t want mom’s worries come up. Because mom’s worries to their child extremely incredible. Mom’s instints also strong. Their child’s things being check include purse, found a photoof someone, then interview session start

Ye lifeless. Because hard to believe that let someone you loves go. Someone that being nice to you, going to beach together, help you when you need a help, have midnight supper. Only amnesia can overcome this. Maybe it true the facts that if you loves someone more than God, anytime God can take back that. Try harder not to be alone. Life is short, make it worth. One day, I will go up too.

Ye stupid. Should not meet people like you. The mind easily accept people. The mind fails choose the correct ones. The mind always want to be nice until your nice being played. The mind let you forgive them who did wrong. Because the mind not think, self become stupid to do anything you wants