I'm the sweet owner Music Video Status Sometimes you don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breath, trust and let go and see what happen
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fighting 18 Feb 2012 | 0 Possible[s] hai,, korang-korang sume pagy nie.. sihat tak?? hope baek2 ajew yup..winkwink^^
ary nie kn Yan nk cter psal sowg dak laki nie tw. dye nie kol pastu tetbe jek nk mara Yan. Sengal ak! kn? kn? give me five lah oke! yokk ktew start the story.. 'tett teh net teh net tettt' #lagu opening..hahaha=D cter nie berkisah start pde kol 3.15am,, di mana ade sorg dak laki kol Yan.. mcm thu2 jek Yan blom tdo agy..hohoho mse nie yan tgh siap kn BIology yg t'rtgguh tuw,, bb mggu depan dah kne hntar.. (ta de kne-m'gena pon) org da kol kn,, Yan jawap lah dgn ceria nyer.. biase lah sye kn bdak yg separa friendly..hehehe bdak laki tuw, ajak yan Hang out ary nie.. tak memasal,, kol org pagy2 buta,, ajak hang out.. mcm sengal jek! ingt gua tgh yangyokk ur nie.. gua blom tdo agy meyh.. korang paham2 jelah yan nie kn,, ta gmar sgt kuor berdua laki pompuan nie.. lau de cik nab,, jelo and adik yan,, bwu Yan nk kuor.. Oleh kerana,, adik Yan ta bole tman kn sbb dye de fnction bnde ur.. Yan says 'No' lah... takkn plak yan nk kol cik nab+jelo semate-mate bnde remeh nie.. agy pon,, lau kteowg hangout ary nie.. pew fnction lak,, yan nk kuor 25 ary bln nie kn.. So,, mmg jwap 'Tak' lah weyh.. n then,, dye bole tetbe jek mara Yan and start lah ckap Kau-Aku dgn Yan.. Paiseyh gler mse nie,, elok2 gua de mood tros ta de.. dye bole ckap cam gini :- ble aku ajak koe kuor ade jek alasan koe. lau kwan koe ajak,, abg angkat koe yg '---------------' ajak bole plak. antre aQ dgn kwan koe dgn abg '------------' koe agy mne lagy pnting ur? ko da thu aq ske kat koe, koe lyan aq mcm gini jek. yan ape lagy,, tros off enset.. lantak lah,, dye nk ckap pew psal Yan.. nyirap ta korang bce!! Yan pon nyirap jek dgor suare dye.. ktok Gamma Yan plak tu.. ta memasal! hempuk kang.. pape pon,, yan nk jwap jgak lah soklan dye..hehehe c(= 1. kwan dgn koe ane pnting?? ape erk! aq rse kn antre koe dgn kwan aq of course lahh derr aq pilih kwan aq.. ce-koe pikir lah,, ade otak kn,.. mrilah kte pikir sme2 lah.. kwan aq tu pompuan,, lau aq jln b'rdua pon ta berdosa pong,, tpy ble dgn koe,, agk nyer dosa aq ber 'plus' 'plus'kot sbb koe tuw jnis t'rlbh sosial.. aq mmg ta ske la weyhh org mcm tu.. n then,, da thu aq ta bapew nk lyan koe mse skolah, koe paham2 jelah.. Gondol! men.. SYE SYANG KWAN-KWAN CAYE.. SYE SYANG TORPAEDOO...mmmmuuuuaaaahhhxxx 2. abg aq yg koe ckap mcm '---------' dgn koe ane lagy pnting?? bce nie baek2 ea.. aq akn pilih Gamma dripde koe.. walaupon aq knl koe dlu drpade dye.. aku ttap pilih Gamma bro.. mara nie! mara nie! Gamma skit pnyer hensem,, sdap mlot koe jek ktok dye mcm2.. walaupon kdg2 Gamma aq slalu uat aQ nyirap,, tpy ta prnah kot dye mara2+ber"Kau-aku" dgn aq.. koe ckap dye '---','------','-----','-----' and '-----' koe pon ape kurang nyer.. ske aty jek mlot hang ckap lepas jek,, dah la koe tu itam+pndek+bodoss+sosial terlebih berbeza dgn Gamma aq yg #backup Gamma...hohoho =0 the moral of story,, nyesal aq dgor ckap kakak koe.. matching kn aq dgn koe.. nyesal aq knl koe.. koe ta nk tgorr aq kat skola?? pergi 'Mamposs' lah.. tgk! kn ayt SA da kuor.. koe bkn nyer sape2 bgy aq pong.. so,, syuhh! syuuhhh! from my life.. before that,, nty kte tgk spe kol spe??? spe crik spe k??? k.bai #hope Gamma ta bce..malu sioott |
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